Guess who’s back…back again…


**dusts off blog**

Well hello! It has been quite some time!

Today seemed like the right day to put a little update on here. I have sat and read through the blog, it is a strange feeling, looking back on such a difficult period of my life. Kind of like an out of body experience! In one way it feels like time has flown by, and in another it seems like only yesterday that Cancer Take Two began. It was very emotional reading my updates. I’m glad to have this snapshot in time of that period of my life.

March is a particularly strange month for me. It is full of memories of different stages of the long old journey back to health. The beginning of the month saw 4 years since I had that phone call from the consultant with the diagnosis, then there was the big operation, and also mothers day in hospital with a visit from my Macie.

Today was the latest of my 3 monthly check ups.

Today was a milestone I am relieved and thrilled to reach.


Wow! 3 years already! It feels like a big deal. It IS a big deal.

I am one lucky lady to be sat here in full health with my life back to “normal” (let’s face it, life is never normal!). At the time it felt like a never ending cycle of chemo and illness, just chugging along from one treatment to the next, and in the blink of an eye I am at a stage where I can feel a bit safer about my future. Mainly down to the confidence of my consultant. Now I move to check ups every 4 months…baby steps…but nevertheless steps in the right direction. I was also told that what I had was so aggressive, if it was going to stage a comeback the chances are it would happen within the first three years after treatment.

So today, March 30th, gets marked down as another March anniversary, but for all the right reasons!

It does feel a bit self indulgent to be writing like this when I am all too aware that so many people are going through really tough times. Having cancer is pretty shitty but I’m fortunate that one positive thing my cancer journey has given me is friends, people who understand what you are going through, share their experiences and are a friendly ear when times are hard. Nicola Bourne is one of those people. We have never met yet have a lot in common – a strong family history of cancer, getting through cancer with a newborn baby, doing our bit for charities to raise awareness, and blogging about it all.
Nicola has written a truly wonderful book; “The Fabulous Woman’s Guide Through Cancer”, which draws on her own personal experiences to give brilliant heartfelt and supportive advice to women touched by cancer. The book covers a vast amount of information in a really friendly, down to earth and compassionate way. I can honestly say I wish there had been something like this for me when I needed it. Throughout the book are quotes, tips and snippets of the experiences of other ladies which really helps to show the variety of ways in which it can affect people, and how they managed different situations.

guide to cancer

I am very honoured to be included in this! My name in print – so exciting!

I am also honoured to be the final stop on Nicola’s virtual book tour. March has been a big month for both of us.

Here’s to more milestones, more achievements and maybe more blogging? Who knows!

Time to celebrate that 3 years all clear now…**runs off to open some fizz**


You can find out more about Nicola and her fabulousness on her blog –

Facebook – Nicola Bourne Writes or Twitter @njbrn

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